Tuesday, August 4, 2009

In Anticipation

After a long hiatus, I have decided to return to the blog.  Although a colleague and I decided today NOT to begin discussing school issues, curriculum writing, lesson plans, and the like quite yet, I can't help but harbor a sense of anticipation for the new school year.

I checked my NYC Department of Ed email today for the first time in a while and saw that just yesterday I received an email from Materials For The Arts.  If you don't know about MFTA, they're a charitable organization that donates materials to schools and organizations.  It came with a listing of direct donations for the classroom that immediately piqued my interest and pointed me in the direction of having new materials for my students come fall.  I received a smart board last year through the generous donation of my principal-who is now subsequently retired-yet, it did not come with a much needed digital projector, nor the computer to run them both. I was bringing my old apple ibook in for a long time and it finally kicked the bucket. I can't bring that in, nor will I bring in my new, beautiful, macbook I just purchased.  On the direct donation list today was an apple computer and lots of other goodies that I hope are still available-including a ceramic kiln.  I cross my fingers. 

My students are dying to do research and have very limited access to computers in their homes or even the shelters where some of them live.  They crave information as much as I do.  They deserve technology in their classroom.  This will not only give them the tools they need to enter society, but it also allows me access to information that I normally have at home where I do a majority of my research, planning and curriculum development.  I will be able to give them power point presentations on a regular basis and this really excites me.  I have used this medium in the past to teach and find that I'm at such a loss without it.  

I'm eager to get the materials that we need to continue on the path of learning in the arts.  It excites my students and I know that I will be able to give them more of what they need.  So, instead to talking to colleagues about these issues, I will put it all down here and get myself ready for another year in Brownsville-mentally, physically, emotionally, with determination, intent, compassion, understanding and unconditional love.

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